Tag Archives: apps

Listen to Long-form Journalism with Audm

In a world where we so often skip from headline to headline, it can be refreshing and engaging to explore long-form journalism. These longer pieces (typically over 3,000 words) can give us deeper insight and a richer picture of a complex issue or public figure. Unfortunately, they take much longer to read. This is definitely [...]

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Quit Wasting Time Online with Cold Turkey

Ever find your fingers automatically typing the address of certain websites every time you open a browser window? Odds are your mind has been hijacked to check and re-check social media. According to Global Web Index, people are spending an average of over 2 hours per day on social media. Imagine how much you could accomplish if you [...]

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Dress Up Your Feed with Phonto

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes you need to add a few more, especially when you’re adding photos to your social media feeds. Phonto is a simple app which lets you quickly add text to your photos, right from your smartphone. What makes Phonto so great is that its design tools [...]

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Apps to Help Manage Your Screen Time

Screen addiction is real, and it’s not just adults who are suffering from the impulse to reach for that phone or tablet. It’s also taking a toll on kids. Even the parents of Silicon Valley giants are raising their kids with a dose of low-tech mindfulness. If you’re looking for ways to track and manage the amount [...]

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Gamify Savings with Long Game

The pathway to home ownership is often obstructed by commonplace financial pitfalls. A lack of down payment. Poor credit. Excessive debt. To remedy this, innovative tech companies are searching for ways to make fiscal responsibility fun and engaging. One such company is Long Game. In a country like America, where 40% of the population has zero [...]

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Apps to Help You Reclaim Your Attention

Can you remember the last time you were in complete control of your own attention? Do you find your phone in your hand during any fleeting moment of boredom?Essayist Craig Mod recently asked himself this question in an article for Backchannel titled “How I Got My Attention Back.” The piece is well worth your attention. [...]

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Next Draft Improves Your Information Intake

Clay Shirky, in one of his most famous talks about information overloadsaid that the problem with the internet isn’t information overload, but filter failure. His thesis: The flood of information isn’t the problem, it’s the failure of tools to help us curate the signal from the noise. Given that your attention is a precious commodity, consider [...]

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Comparing the Best Password Managers

If you’re the type who uses simple passwords or uses one complicated password for multiple websites, you’re at higher risk of getting hacked. If you keep your passwords written down on Post-It notes around your computer… well, you get what you deserve. These days there are a host of password managers out there, but which [...]

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Tech Tools for Mental Health

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.–43.8 million, or 18.5%–experiences mental illness in a given year” and “approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S.–10 million, or 4.2%–experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life [...]

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Prisma App Turns Every Photo in Art

Do you love the way photo filters in Instagram can add artistic flair to your everyday photos? Well a new app called “Prisma” is about to take you to the next level. According to an overview of the app in The Next Web: “By using a combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence, the end results are [...]

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