Tag Archives: distraction

Digital Decluttering & Digital Minimalism

Who owns your attention? Do you feel overwhelmed by the onslaught of app notifications and endlessly scrolling feeds? Maybe you’ve inadvertently become a “digital hoarder,” amassing a collection of apps which you swear you can’t do without. Do you actually need all this tech? Digital clutter is a real thing, and making the effort to [...]

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Reclaim Your Productivity with Freedom.to

You probably don’t fully realize how much time you lose to social media, frivolous apps, and online shopping. In a world where companies make money by keeping you distracted, there’s real power in reclaiming your time and protecting your focus. FreedomĀ is an app which enables you block websites, apps, and other distractions across all of [...]

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Free Your Mind from the Facebook Feed

Here’s an interesting browser plug-in we thought those of you addicted to social media might appreciate. Break your Facebook addiction with “News Feed Eradicator.” From theĀ plug-in description page: “Do you often want to check Facebook, and then find yourself disappearing for hours as you are consumed by the bottomless pit that is the News Feed? [...]

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Apps to Help You Reclaim Your Attention

Can you remember the last time you were in complete control of your own attention? Do you find your phone in your hand during any fleeting moment of boredom?Essayist Craig Mod recently asked himself this question in an article for Backchannel titled “How I Got My Attention Back.” The piece is well worth your attention. [...]

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