Fly Cheap on Big Data with Hopper

Hopper LogoPlanning a trip on a budget means securing the best possible airfare, but it can be hard to know when to buy those tickets. While there are many automated systems out there which can help email you fare alerts, there’s one app which stands out above the rest when it comes to locking down the best prices: Hopper.

From the website: “Hopper is a new kind of travel company that is reinventing the way people plan travel and book flights by leveraging the power of mobile conversation and big data in the form of trillions of flight prices.”

The way it works is simple:

“First, search for a trip by tapping dates on the color-coded calendar.

Then, get Hopper’s prediction about when your flight will be cheapest. We’ll recommend whether you should wait or book.

If we say WAIT, tap the binoculars to watch. Hopper will keep an eye on that trip for you and send you notifications the instant prices drop. If Hopper says BUY, choose your flights and book in just a few taps and a swipe. Save your passenger and payment info so future flight booking is even quicker.”

Learn more and download the app for iOS and Android devices here:

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