Infographic: Facebook Hashtags

Are you using “hashtags” on your Facebook posts? The hashtag is often used on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to include posts under a certain topic.

They earn their name from the number sign, or “hash” (#) which begins the term. When a hashtag is used, it is often turned into a link by the website, and when you click on the hashtag, a list of status updates, posts, or tweets also sharing the hashtag are displayed.

(For example, click the hashtag #realestate to see this in action on Twitter, and this hashtag, #openhouse to see results on Facebook.)

Some tips from the graphic:

  • Use them sparingly… not in every post
  • Hashtags must be all one word (no spaces)
  • Capitalization doesn’t matter
  • Research a hashtag before you use one to make sure it works
Graphic appears below…

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