Reminder: Schedule Nothing

Image of Space Left Intentionally BlankIs your calendar jam packed? This might be a fatal error.

FileĀ this gem by Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, under “do more with less.” In this excellent article on intentionally making empty space in your daily calendar will shed some much-needed perspective on the pervasive “optimize every minute” ethos in the business world.

While the piece is a must-read for anyone managing a hectic schedule, we think it’s particularly good for those of you managing teams.

Some gems:

“If you don’t take the time to think proactively you will increasingly find yourself reacting to your environment rather than influencing it.”

“Learning what makes people tick and properly coaching them to the point that they can not only solve the issue on their own the next time around, but successfully coach their own team takes far more time than telling them what to do.”

“Above all else, the most important reason to schedule buffers is to just catch your breath.”

Schedule yourself fifteen minutes to read this article and digest it:

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