Scott’s Thoughts: Back on the Court

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963); writer, theologian, scholar

Image of basketball through a hoop.Right now March Madness is underway and the web is rife with news of victories and upsets. While it may not feel very much like spring in areas still getting hit with the occasional snow, the basketball tournament reminds us that the warmest months aren’t far off.

Also warming up? The real estate market. Good inventory is getting more scarce and we’re seeing a big influx in subscribers via the Tuesday Tactics website. There are a lot of agents out there having the best months they’ve had (literally!) in years. My Real Helper is putting together lots of new letters for agents prospecting for potential listings. We’re creating all kinds of new custom signs for offices across the country.

If you’ve been on the bench for a little while, but you’re thinking about getting back in the real estate game, we urge you to embrace the advice of C.S. Lewis in the quote above: “You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

Even if you’re starting from scratch, don’t let the devastating detour of 2008 make you feel like freedom and income of a real estate career is out of reach. Now is as good a time as any to pitch in again and start building your base.


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