Tag Archives: news

Scott’s Thoughts: Choose Your Fuel

“People everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.” -A. J. Liebling, American journalist. Imagine it’s the morning of a road race you’ve been training to run for six weeks. When you get out of bed that morning, you know you’re going to need a breakfast that will help power you through the miles [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: The Stories

“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” Robert Frost, American poet One of the great hazards we face online is the propensity to get stuck in our own “echo chamber” of information. As we self-select our sources (and advertisers foist images and messages based on our [...]

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Next Draft Improves Your Information Intake

Clay Shirky, in one of his most famous talks about information overloadsaid that the problem with the internet isn’t information overload, but filter failure. His thesis: The flood of information isn’t the problem, it’s the failure of tools to help us curate the signal from the noise. Given that your attention is a precious commodity, consider [...]

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