Upgrade Your Email Newsletter with MailChimp.com

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Don't let the funny monkey fool you; MailChimp is all business.

Many companies now offer real estate agents a system they can use to stay in touch with clients. These “all in one” CRM tools perform automated follow-up campaigns, send email on important dates, and even handle the ordering and distribution of post cards, free market reports, and friendly reminders.

However, we still hear from many agents who send their own newsletter directly from their email program. At best, it’s a hassle. At worst, it often ends up exposing an agent’s entire contact database when they accidentally cc: their list instead of using bcc: (blind carbon copy).

Unfortunately, many agents can’t invest the monthly fees professional services require. Not to worry, though… we have a powerful, free alternative.

If you’re still sending out a newsletter the old-fashioned way, you might want to check out a free, user-friendly email newsletter service that has been giving real estate entrepreneurs and other small business owners access to professional-grade email newsletter capabilities for years: MailChimp.com.

Using MailChimp, you can send up to 12,000 email messages a month to up to 2,000 subscribers. They even include easy-to-use HTML newsletter templates and fantastic step-by-step tutorials on how to get up an running.

(They’re also a great source if you’re considering starting a newsletter service for your church, school, or neighborhood.)

You can sign up for MailChimp free without using your credit card. There’s no obligation, and we dig their sense of humor, too.

Get a Free MailChimp.com Account Today


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