What’s “Scarce” About You?

Wine in the glass! Hooah!

Are you $2 "plonk" or fine wine?

If you’re a wine drinker, you probably understand that highly sought after bottles are often produced in incredibly limited quantities. It’s not uncommon for some cult wines to have insanely low case productions, meaning that for a given vintage there may only be a a few hundred bottles at best. Understandably, these wines command astounding prices.

Now, scarcity alone is not enough to drive demand. No one wants a limited production of wine made from vinegar and lake water, for example. But the collision of “rare” and “good” drive fundamental economics.

So here’s a little exercise to get you thinking about your business in a new way: What is rare and good about your approach? What do you offer that’s scarce?

Don’t reach for the buzzwords that everyone uses. Put down the pencil if you’re about to write, “great service” and “attention to detail.” I’m sorry, but that’s the Bud Light of rare. Now’s the time to dig a little deeper.

Your clients are a great place to start. What have they mentioned in testimonials? What was it that made them feel your approach was unique? What special knowledge do you possess? What other professional background do you have that brings a unique perspective to your business today? It might take time to really bring it into focus, but when you do, you need to make it a cornerstone of your marketing.

Tell the story of your scarcity. Bring into your blog, your letters, and your marketing materials the rare, good thing about you.

Don’t be afraid if your scarcity turns some clients away. To be sought after, you must be something that everyone else isn’t. That means admitting that you’re not the best houseboat salesperson, or you have no experience with luxury condos. But you just might be the best eco-friendly, sustainable home marketer in your town.

Think about it!

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