Tag Archives: planning

Scott’s Thoughts: The Other 90%

“The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.” Tom Cargill, Computer programmer, author of C++ Programming Style This humorous nugget of computer programming wisdom is called the “ninety-ninety rule.” With [...]

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Leverage the Genius of the “2-Hour Rule”

The tragedy of the relentless pursuit of an “optimized life” is that it leaves little room for what comes unbidden, during our daydreaming and our downtime. With the rise of the “quantified self” in our digital culture, we may risk the extinction of something essential, mysterious, and life-changing. This piece by Zat Rana for Business Insider discusses [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: Analysis & Action

“We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its urgency, ‘here and now’ without any possible postponement. Life is fired at us point-blank.” José Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher and essayist. Analysis and action: Both are necessary when it comes to problem solving. But do you find [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: Mindful Leisure

“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.” -William Faulkner, American writer Do you choose how you spend your time? I don’t mean in those moments when you’re responding to clients, or putting out fires, or handling life’s unexpected detours. When the smoke clears and you see a gap [...]

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Track Your Numbers with Hurdlr’s ProfitDash

Understanding your numbers is key to running a high-margin, low-overhead real estate business. Hurdlr is a company which creates tools to “seamlessly track all of your income streams, expenses, and tax deductions in real-time, on the go — saving you valuable time and maximizing your profit.” One such tool is ProfitDash designed specifically for Realtors®. ProfitDash “seamlessly [...]

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Scott’s Thoughts: Plan to Abandon Your Plans

Organization and planning play a big role in our quest for productivity. But when they cross the line and becoming the very act that prevents us from productivity?

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