Blog Strategy: The Guest Post

Guest post megaphoneMost real estate blogs fail because agents fall behind in producing new content for their site. It can happen all too easily… business picks up, personal lives get hectic, and before long the “last post” was more than a year ago.

Don’t let this happen to you. One great way to leverage your network of friends and business associates is to invite them to write a short blog post which you’ll feature on your site. If you work with lenders, home repair companies, inspectors, stagers, or other companies, the opportunity to feature their professional opinion on your blog not only gives you new content, but it gives someone else an a chance to plug their business and drive additional traffic to your blog.

You might find that people you approach might be resistant at first. “I wouldn’t know what to write about,” is a common complaint. To help overcome that objection, email them and ask them to respond to this prompt:

“What is the most common problem/challenge your clients have? How do you help them overcome that problem/challenge?”

Their email back is usually perfect for a quick blog post.

If they’re not the best writers, you can also opt to have them respond via conference call through a free conference calling service ( Set one up, have them dial in, and interview them. These services allow you to record calls. With your guest blogger’s permission, you can then post the audio file to your blog.

One nice thing about guest posts: Word gets out. Over time, others may come to you in your community and ask to add their own post.

(Of course, if you need turn-key blog posts, look no further than this month’s My Real Helper collection!:

Photo credit: floeschie

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