Scott’s Thoughts: The Longest Night

“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.”

-Albert Camus, (1913 – 1960); author and philosopher

Image of a full moonLast Saturday (December 21st) was the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. North America experienced a mere nine hours and 32 minutes of daylight stacked up against 14 hours and 28 minutes of night. In the few days since, we’ve been gradually making our way back to longer days and shorter nights.

As we round out 2013, I’m reminded of the winter of 2008, and what a dark time that was for everyone in the real estate industry. Talk about your “longest nights.” I consider myself fortunate to still have the opportunity to send this newsletter to each of you. Next year will begin the 5th year we’ve had the privilege of delivering Tuesday Tactics.

Given that this week’s newsletter falls on Christmas Eve, I’ll keep this short. Thanks for sticking with us through the depths of winter. We look forward to sharing that fabled invincible summer with you in the years to come.

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