Scott’s Thoughts: Reflecting the Light

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton, (January 24, 1862 — August 11, 1937), American writer and designer

Image of neon in mirrors.No business will suffer if it is in the habit of bringing light into people’s lives. At Oakley Signs & Graphics, we produce the Tuesday Tacticsnewsletter each week with this very goal in mind, and try to help agents bring it into their own business with My Real Helper‘s collections of letters and blog posts.

We hope that each day you seek opportunities to bring brightness into someone’s life, or find a way to show them the good they possess.

Here are seven simple ways to cast or reflect light:

1. Send a simple, honest compliment out of the blue

2. Give them hope through direct assistance

3. Share a helpful resource with someone

4. Provide pathways to free education and enlightenment

5. Introduce two of your friends who do not know one another yet

6. Include people in efforts for common (or community) good

7. Find opportunities to be a good listener

Prosperity is not necessarily dependent on the raw ambition of a “numbers game.” You can transform your business in a positive way through easy, consistent, authentic positivity and assistance.


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