Tag Archives: stress management

Scott’s Thoughts: A Richer Reading Life

“I’ve never known any trouble that an hour’s reading didn’t assuage.” Montesquieu, French judge, man of letters, and political philosopher. Did you resolve to become an all-star reader in 2019? I don’t think I need to stress the benefits of reading. Sure, it heightens brain connectivity, develops empathy, rewires connections while creating new white matter, increases [...]

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Practice Self-Care with Aloe Bud

All day long our phones nudge us, notify us, and otherwise interrupt us. Sometimes it’s because we want them to. Other times, it’s simply a distraction. Given the amount of mindspace we cede to our mobile devices, it’s surprising we haven’t devised more ways to make them remind us to be more mindful, more compassionate, [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Vacations, Creativity, & Decision Making

An ongoing feature in Tuesday Tactics is our “Great Read Roundup” in which we highlight some of the best pieces we’ve read recently and why they might expand your mind or help with your real estate career. Why Marketing To Millennials And Other Generations Is Pointless (4 minute read) Why it matters: In the age of [...]

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Mindful Stress Management with Pacifica

Instead of whipping out that phone to flick through your Facebook feed for the 100th time today, why not use the supercomputer in your pocket to help you manage your stress and anxiety? Now available for Android and iOS platforms, Pacifica offers you an intuitive, engaging way to do just that. According to the website: “Pacifica offers daily [...]

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Great Read Roundup: Little Tips with a Big Impact

In less than 15 minutes, you can tune up your life. These three articles show you how.

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Scott’s Thoughts: On Managing Stress

What are you doing to actively manage your stress?

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