Google Drive is Here
Google Drive is here! Get the lowdown on how this free cloud storage service from Google works.
Google Drive is here! Get the lowdown on how this free cloud storage service from Google works.
Dictation apps with voice recognition software have taken a quantum leap into the future and are now more accurate than ever. Find out how to get one that works for you.
HelpScout.net is an interesting “help desk” tool which adds a personal touch to service. It allows multiple people to manage a single support “channel” (such as an info@ or help@ email address) and scales for volume just like a regular help desk.
How do you get honest feedback from people? What’s the most effective way to brainstorm new ideas? You might find that this anonymous survey tool is just the thing you’re looking for.
Wouldn’t it be useful if you could simply type an abbreviation and have your computer automatically insert the fully expanded text?
Droplr.com is a free “drag and drop” file sharing platform which you can use right in your browser. Make files available across multiple devices with a single link.
There’s a useful little tool for the iPhone (and other mobile devices) which may have finally eliminated my need for a traditional scanner. Read more about options you can use here.
Learn how to fix your PowerPoint presentations. It’s a tough lesson to learn, but in 9 out of 10 cases, it’s the truth: Your PowerPoint presentation is just ugly. As in: “Glad that’s not my baby” ugly.
We’ve just come across the holy grail of calendars, designed specifically for people who are planners, goal achievers, and all-around business pros.
Learn how to manage multiple email addresses using one Gmail account.